

Plenaries sessions


  • First session

The first day 28/11

first session entitled: (The state of education for peace in Iraq).

The session will be moderated by Assistant Professor Dr. Tariq Muhammad Tayeb, member of the UNESCO Chair Committee at the University of Mosul and Dean of the College of Political Science.

Venue – Grand University Theater

 Session time: from 12 to 1 pm

Session duration: one hour


  1. Professor Dr. Munir Salem Taha Al Badrani, Assistant of the President of the University of Mosul for Scientific Affairs – Member of the UNESCO Chair Committee.
  2. Santosh Khatri, Chief of Education, UNESCO Iraq Office
  1. Judge Raed Hamid Hussein Al-Musleh, President of the Nineveh Appeal Court.
  1. Priest father Raed Emanuel Adel.
  • Second session

The second session on 11/29 entitled: (The role of education in fostering culture of peace)

The session is moderated by Assistant Professor Dr. Raqib Mohammad Jassim – Member of the UNESCO Chair Committee – University of Mosul / College of Law.

Venue: University Grand Theatre.

Session time: 9:15 am – 10:30 am.

 Session duration: (an hour and a quarter).


  1. Professor Dr. Amer Hassan Al-Fayyad, Al-Amal University, Baghdad.
  1. Professor Dr. Hashem Yahya Al-Mallah, Professor of History / College of Arts.
  1. Professor Dr. Bushra Al-Bustani / College of Arts, an experienced professor.
  1. Assistant Professor Dr. Qais Abdel-Wahhab Al-Hayali, Professor of Personal Status Law ( Lusail University – Qatar /College of law-University of Mosul).
  • Third session

The third session, the third day, 30/11, entitled: (The Future of Education for Peace in Iraq).

Session time: 9:15 am-10:30 am ,

Session duration: (an hour and a quarter)

The session will be moderated by  Assistant Professor Dr. Mahmoud Azzo Hamdom, member of the UNESCO Chair Committee and professor at the College of Political Science.


  1. Dr. Waad Ibrahim Khalil, Professor of Sociology, College of Arts, University of Mosul.
  1. Professor Dr. Suhad Ismail Khalil, Strategic profession , Al-Nahrain University.
  2. Professor Dr. Mohammad Yas Khudair – Head of the Department of Political Sciences / Alalmein Institute for Graduate Studies, Al-Najaf.
  3. Professor Muwafaq Waisi/ College of Arts, Department of Sociology, University of Mosul.


Several scientific workshops are held simultaneously during the conference (28-30 / 11/2022).

Please find below the link for more details on workshops and participation terms:

Workshop Title

Teacher’s Name

Workshop Place

Workshop Date and time

1.    Student honor charter initiative to renounce violence and extremism in Iraqi universities

Fanar Imad Khaleel, college of Political Sciences

Central Library Hall

28/11 (at 2:30-4:00 p.m.)

29/11 (at 11 am-1:00 p.m.)

2.    The importance of integrating the cultural heritage in education

Omar Jasim Fadhil- College of Archaeology


The Central library

11/28 at (2:30-4:00 pm)


11/29 at (11: am to 1:00 pm)

3.    Negotiation skills and strategies to consolidate community peace

Mohammad Muyassar Fathy


The Central library

11/28 at (2:30-4:00 pm)


11/29 at (11: am to 1:00 pm)

4.    Developing analysis conflicts skills among university students and its role in conflict resolution and peace building

Fathy Mohammad Fathy

College of Law

The Central library

11/28 at (2:30-4:00 pm)


11/29 at (11: am to 1:00 pm)

5.    Education and religious diversity and its impact on promoting peace and peaceful coexistence

Hazem Mohammad Mousa

The Central library

11/28 at (2:30-4:00 pm)


11/29 (11: am to 1:00 pm)

6.    Critical thinking and media and informatics culture

–       Sajida Farhaan Hussein

–       Afra Riyadh Mohammad

The Central library

11/28 at (2:30-4:00 pm)


11/29 at (11: am to 1:00 pm)

7.    Technical and vocational education and training and its role in peace building

Ayman Rushdy Al-Jwary

Middle Technical University

The Central library

11/28 at (2:30-4:00 pm)


11/29 at (11: am to 1:00 pm)

8.    Diversity inclusive citizenship


Nayla Tabbara

The Central library

11/28 at (2:30-4:00 pm)


11/29 at (11: am to 1:00 pm)

Cultural Activities

Stage and musical performances and various art exhibitions will be presented during the conference with the participation of the University of Mosul students and UNESCO Chair partners and institution