
Education for Peace in Iraq Conference aimed to bring together education stakeholders to take stock and deliberate on the past, present, and future role of education in strengthening the defenses of peace in Iraq. The proceedings of the Conference will inform The State of Education for Peace Report currently being developed by UNESCO and the UNESCO Chair on Education for Peacebuilding and Human Rights, Ulster University. The report is a part of the GA-PVE-E project which is supported by the Government of Canada and implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Specifically, the conference will aim to achieve the following:

  • Official launch of the new UNESCO Chair on PVE and Fostering a Culture of Peace at the University of Mosul.

  • Bring together stakeholders working on education for peace, stabilization, and preventing violent extremism through education (PVE-E) in Iraq to take stock of the past, present, and future role of education and share experiences, challenges, and best practices that stakeholders can take back to integrate in their daily personal and professional lives.

  • Spread positivity and hope to challenge existing divisive and violent narratives, especially online.