
  • Educational institutions contribute to establishing equality as well as providing scientific and cognitive contributions that lead to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Accordingly, they establish mutual dialogue and provide a platform for exchanging different visions on issues that contribute to establishing stability and rebuilding communities that have emerged from conflict.

  • Based on the aforementioned, the conference was planned to achieve this vision by reviving the spirit of recovery through the promotion of a culture of peace and the prevention of extremism in the city of Mosul through its largest educational center, “University of Mosul” and in partnership with UNESCO. The conference seeks to promote the sustainable development goals until 2030, particularly the fourth goal, “Education for All”, rebuild the capacities of the university students in terms of dialogue, communication and leadership towards a culture of peace. This can be achieved by reconsidering the role of youth and the potential fields of collaboration. The youth plays a vital role in building the future and they represent the largest segment of the Iraqi population. The conference is an attempt to revive the role of science and education in building peace, enhancing tolerance and acceptance of others, and respecting differences. It encourages research workshops that students join within the target groups with professors and experts to diagnose problems and provide solutions for building local peace in Iraq. Finally, the conference promotes a participatory approach to education for peacebuilding.

  • Emphasizing the context roles in building peace in the city of Mosul by re-enforcing the University role in the capacity building of youth to enable them to engage in dialogues, confront the hate speech, and enhance learning to build sustainable peace with the University of Mosul being the incubator of the local community which has long been affected by violent extremism in all its forms.